Saturday, July 25, 2009

Windfall: Weather Warden Series 4

Pages: 352
Year Published:

If you thought that Joanne's life was complicated before, you haven't seen anything yet. She has moved back to her hometown in Florida and has taken a job as a cute 'weather girl' at a news studio. Sounds pretty mundane, right? Unfortunately, Joanne stills has to figure out how to deal with David's new Ifrit status before it kills them both, the cop that has been stalking and threatening her since the Ma'at incident, and her privileged sister that has decided to take over her new apartment.

Short Thought:
This is the best of this series so far. It reminded me why I like it so much.

Expanded Thoughts:
I am seriously hoping that poor Joanne gets a vacation after this one. The girl never gets a break. Since you can read a synopsis of this book in several places, I am just gonna touch on a few things before I close this out.

Mainly, what made this novel better than the other ones in the series?

For me, it comes down to the fact that Joanne is easier to relate to in this one. She has a crappy job. (Not a magical hookie dookie job, a regular 'Joe' type job.) Her family is being crappy to her. (We even get a glimpse at her crappy past.) Her relationship is on the rocks. (Okay, that one is a little magical.) And everyone in the world seems to want her to have a crappy day. It is a brilliant mixture of real life and fantasy that make this book a good one.

This novel just really pulled at the heartstrings and made the reader fall in love with Joanne. (Especially with regard to David's dire situation) It still had the crazy fast paced, world ending drama, but it showed how Joanne was really starting to become affected by it. (Depression, anxiety, etc.) But I guess dying twice and being two different species would give some sort of PTSD to anyone. I personally wouldn't want to find out.

Additional Notes: This novel contains mild violence and sexual situations.

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